Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Return of the Fanny Pack and Other GOOD NEWS!

The fanny pack is back.  It is still lacking in style (meaning Zach still won't let me bedazzle it or use puff paints.)  Round #2 of chemotherapy began Monday morning.  It was a busy day that began with labs.  Those are done first thing to make sure Zach is healthy enough to continue with another round of chemo.  There are a number of markers the labs look at in Zach's blood.  The most important is the number of neutrophil, a type of white blood cell.  The neutrophil is the first line of defense when fighting infection.  Zach's levels are pretty good so he was able to continue with this round.  The other marker the labs check for is Zach's platelet count.  His numbers were strong so a blood transfusion wasn't necessary.  

Zach spent a full day at MSTI and was again sent home with his chemo ball (the continuous infusion he wears in the fanny pack until Friday afternoon.)  The side effects hit him almost immediately upon arriving home Monday and continued into Tuesday.  He battled fatigue and nausea all day long.  The nausea finally began to subside as he took his medication.  I'm proud of Zach--even with all the rotten side effects he still forced himself to drink and eat.  Tuesday afternoon he met with his prayer partner at church then drove to Aqua Tots to watch Oliver swim with my mom.  He told me that watching Oliver swim was the highlight of his day!  

It was a struggle for Zach to get up and moving on Wednesday but we have busy boys who demand attention!  Zach worked out Wednesday morning and had lunch with my dad and I after.  His workouts have changed drastically in the past month from CrossFit to a stationery bike and a few weight machines.  His body just doesn't allow him to do what he used to do.  

We have GOOD NEWS!  Zach's CEA levels are down.  The carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) measures the amount of protein that is in Zach's blood.  High protein levels mean the presence of cancer cells.  In January his levels were at 9.9 and by February his levels dropped to 4.0.  Ideally, we would like the number to drop below 3.1. The drop in numbers means the tumors are responding to treatment.  This is an answer to our prayers! God is faithful. 

Zach begins Round #2 of chemo!  Thank goodness for phones, Twitter and lots of visitors to pass the time.

Next time I will get more pictures…

…so people don't think the only visitor was his wife.  

 Zach and my dad Pat at Gino's for lunch.

The Padre and me.  

Sweet, sparkly-eyed Oliver at home with Grandma Kathi.

Super Bowl Sunday: Zach and Max, the poor starving child.


  1. So excited about the good news! Prayers are being answered.

  2. I bought my sister a really cute over the shoulder purse for her chemo ball. We called it a "Chemo clutch"! I doubt Zach would go for it! I am so happy he is responding to chemo! MSTI is a great place to be, given the circumstances. Wonderful nurses, and volunteers. Ask about Jack. He was the BEST volunteer! He passed away suddenly a few months ago, but I am sure they have some great stories about him! Zach is in our prayers. Cancer sucks. I am sorry for that! Hang in there! #gameoncancer

  3. So glad to hear it. We pray for your whole family every day.

  4. Thanks for sharing the good news. I believe in miracles!

  5. Such good news! Your boys are so sweet, I can't wait to give them a squeeze!

  6. We've been faithfully praying for all of you as this battle has changed your lives. Praise God for his faithfulness and mercy. Sending you loving thoughts today as you continue with round 2.
