The doctors measure the metabolic activity of the cancer--how busy it is feeding, growing and being active. Zach's metabolic activity has decreased by 80%. So while this doesn't mean 80% of the cancer has been eradicated it does mean the cancer cells are less active and responding to the treatment. Zach will continue with the current treatment for the next 3-4 months and another PET scan will be done to monitor things.
Since it has been over a month since Zach has needed to use the feeding tube, he was given the okay to have it removed last week. It was a quick outpatient procedure; they literally pulled the end of the tube out of his stomach and small intestine. And if it sounds like that would be painful--I can assure you it was. But Zach recovered quickly and is healing well. With the tube gone I immediately noticed a difference in his level of physical activity with Oliver and Max and his attitude in general. While it was pretty slick to "hook up" and feed all night, there were several complications the were frustrating and demoralizing for Zach.
I am still getting used to the idea that cancer is something Zach will likely LIVE with. We have been told there is nearly no chance of completely curing the cancer but I know, believe and trust that God is capable of anything. Many prayers have been answered! We are so thankful we don't have to leave home this summer to seek clinical trials. We can enjoy our summer as a family!
This week a friend asked me how I keep it "all" together with a sick husband, 2 busy little boys and everything that falls under the "mom" title. First, I assure you I don't always keep it together. (When I do fall apart I generally imagine how nice it would be to have a pint of Haagen Dazs peanut butter and chocolate ice cream nearby to turn to. Then I remember I purposefully don't keep that stuff in the house for this very reason.) My answer was not complicated--God holds me together and lifts me up. I believe Jesus died for my sins and because He died death is no longer a punishment for those who believe. We live such a temporary life on earth. This battle with cancer is a minor road bump before an eternity in heaven.
We went to the zoo the day after Zach's feeding tube was removed--it was a perfect day!
Oliver was both enthralled...
...and a bit scared of the monkeys.
The dinos were a big hit--even if they were a bit scary with their large yellow eyes and loud sounds. Oliver's phrase since then is "dino loud!"
Feeding the goat.
Max and me. I love that his blue eyes are clear here. Hope they stick around...always wanted a blue-eyed little one :)
Mom Kris and her boys.
Nick, Zach, me, Ben, his girlfriend Jenny, and Nathaniel. Jenny's plan was to move from Seattle to Boise to attend grad school and be closer to Ben. But Ben received an unexpected offer a couple of weeks ago to return to the University of Arizona where he attended school and be a part of their coaching staff. So Nathaniel took over the lease Jenny had signed for an apartment here and Ben and Jenny headed to Tucson for their next adventure. It was nice to have the brothers in the same town for all of about 3 days!
Amazing news!