Monday, January 6, 2014

God Isn't in the Business of Coincidences

From day #1 the name that we have heard most often as an exceptional oncologist was Dr. Zuckerman. But we also heard what a busy man he is. Along with his oncology duties he is also the medical director of the clinic. We were told it was a longshot if he accepted Zach's case. 

But God isn't in the business of coincidences. 

On Saturday, Zach's aunt, Katie, mentioned our story to a friend who is closely tied to St. Luke's and Dr. Zuckerman. On Sunday, my mom shared our story with Louise Maley, a friend of hers. Louise then told my mom she was currently dog sitting Dr. Zuckerman's dogs! She too spoke to Dr. Zuckerman about us. 

Flash forward to this morning. Zach called me on my way home from the gym. Dr. Zuckerman's office called and he has agreed to meet with us! Our appointment is Thursday at 11:00. 

Later this morning we met with Zach's radiation oncologist, Dr. Khun, this morning. She confirmed that the cancer has left the localized site of the esophagus and is now affecting the lymph nodes above and below the esophagus. The job of the lymph nodes is to filter out the bad stuff. Zach's brother, Nathaniel explained it like this: the lymph nodes are like a Brita water filter. The Brita filter catches the impurities. Unfortunately, the cancer cells have infiltrated the filter and don't have any business being there. 

Dr. Kuhn wants a PET scan and a MRI to see if the cancer has spread behind the esophagus and the local lymph nodes. If the PET scan shows that the cancer has not spread to the arms, legs and brain, chemotherapy begins immediately. The job of chemotherapy is to stop the cancer cells. If the scan shows that the cancer is affecting the areas outside of the chest and amdomen then radiation will be the first course of treatment. The job of radiation is to target and shrink the cancer cells. Dr. Kuhn doesn't expect the MRI to show any danger to the brain but it is better to be safe than sorry.  Zach's PET scan and MRI are scheduled for noon on Wednesday. 

After our meeting with Dr. Kuhn, we briefly met with Zach's dietitian.  Much to Zach's delight, he learned that calories are important! Chocolate milk, ice cream, proteins and carbs are all high on the food list. Fruits and veggies aren't incredibly necessary at this point because they don't have a high caloric content. No food is off-limits as long as it is comfortable for Zach to eat.

Zach's brother from Louisville flew in late last night. Nathaniel is spending the week with us. I can't think of a better person to join us on this journey. There is a lot of laughing during the day. Dr. Kuhn didn't expect us to be such a jovial group. She came in, ready to treat us with kid gloves. But after a few minutes with this group she realized she didn't have to.  

Here is a snippet of one of our conversations so you know what I mean when I say we are a unique group.  

Dr. K: You will really like the psychiatrist who is a part of your cancer care team.  She is a really great and "earthy" lady.  I think you'll find her very knowledgable and very "earthy."   

(insert awkward silence as we all digest exactly what "earthy" means…)

Zach: Earthy?  Like she wears Birkenstocks or something?  

Nathaniel: I was thinking earthy meant like red wine or something.  I was thinking like earthy tones.  

Dr. K:  I'll ask her to bring red wine then!   

Meanwhile, I am looking for a place to hide because these two are killing me.  Still don't know what earthy means…guess we'll find out in a few weeks!

Zach made it clear to Dr. Kuhn that he is ready to face anything.  She and Zach really meshed and he is relieved to meet and like the first person on his cancer care team.  According to Dr. Kuhn, our goal is to stop the cancer in order to cure it.  That is our prayer!  And we are ever faithful He is in charge.  

Tonight we had a lot of family over for dinner.  What a crazy day it has been!

My favorite Nathaniel--love this guy!

Nathaniel on babysitting duty. 

Zach and Nathaniel--heading to first appointment of the day.

Mom and her boys.

Zach and I.

The Ingersoll clan.

Zach's request is that people don't cry in front of him although he can cry anytime he wants. He said he knows it is a complete double standard. But he get strength from those who are strong. In closing, this video is an good example of how to settle a toddler down for bedtime.  Enjoy and thanks for reading!


  1. So excited to see God already answering prayers. Glad he can still eat his meat and potatoes and them some. :)

  2. So happy to see family all together! And that video of Oliver... Priceless! I love reading your posts Nicole and I'm thinking of all of you constantly!

  3. We somehow switched roles, Nicole. Now, you are walking through the desert and vividly describing every step of the journey--making your readers laugh and telling us the important stuff so that we feel right there with you. Thank you for the stories, the details and the humor. I'm sure I speak for the family when I say we truly appreciate you taking the time to do this.


  4. Nicole, thank you for the updates. They are very helpful and uplifting. I have been thinking of your family a lot.
    Steve DeMers
